Intra Center Research Forum
During the September research forum the CDLI research team presented a one page summary of the current research on the production and use of videos in online learning. The team also presented outlines for the center’s first policy briefs. One policy brief will address the need for data literacy across the K12 curriculum and the second will provide guidelines for K12 school districts on policies related to AI.
OETC (Ohio Educational Technology Conference)
CDLI staff submitted three proposals to the state educational technology conference in February 2024. The proposal included one on critical innovation, one on data science in the K12 curriculum, and one on the selection of digital tools for online learning.
Research Collaboration with CDLI
Are you interested in help studying the innovative work that you are doing using technology in your teaching or research? Would you like to learn about the research on a particular innovative teaching practice or technology? Please contact the center ( for a research consultation where we can help with the literature review, research design, and IRB (Institutional Review Board) process.