Research Briefs
List of recent research on the use of video in online teaching and Learning.
- Bove, L. Investigating Theoretical Frameworks and Strategies for Instructional Video.
- Deng, R., & Gao, Y. (2023). Using Learner Reviews to Inform Instructional Video Design in MOOCs. Behavioral Sciences, 13(4), 1-16.
- Dong, H. (2023). Supporting Faculty’s Instructional Video Creation Needs for Remote Teaching: A Case Study on Implementing eGlass Technology in a Library Multimedia Studio Space.
- Information Technology and Libraries, 42(2).
- Fiorella, L., & Mayer, R. E. (2018). What works and doesn’t work with instructional video. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 465-470. uAAAAAA:JaycPwOrhpRFc8-OHpNL9Db4ddWENnm6Gt7ns2b4VN2WT94hCkLAu- 10blhjpWhKmqLAAngBSg
- Fyfield, M., Henderson, M., & Phillips, M. (2022). Improving instructional video design: A systematic review. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(3), 155–183.
- Henderson, M. L., & Schroeder, N. L. (2021). A Systematic review of instructor presence in instructional videos: Effects on learning and affect. Computers and Education Open, 2, 100059.
- Guy, J., & McNally, M. B. (2022). Ten Key Factors for Making Educational and Instructional Videos. Scholarly and Research Communication, 13(2), 18-pp.
- Keba, M., Segno, J., & Schofield, M. (2015). Making it work: Creating a student-friendly repository of instructional videos. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 9(1-2), 17-29. uAAAAAA:JaycPwOrhpRFc8-OHpNL9Db4ddWENnm6Gt7ns2b4VN2WT94hCkLAu- 10blhjpWhKmqLAAngBSg
- Lawson, A. P., Mayer, R. E., Adamo-Villani, N. (2021). The positivity principle: do positive instructors improve learning from video lectures? Educational Technology Research and Development, 69, 3101-3129. w#citeas
- Mayer, R. E., Fiorella, L., & Stull, A. (2020). Five ways to increase the effectiveness of instructional video. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68, 837-852.
- Norman, M. K. (2017). Twelve tips for reducing production time and increasing long-term usability of instructional video. Medical teacher, 39(8), 808-812.
- Pohl, L. M., & Walters, S. (2015, June). Instructional Videos in an Online Engineering Economics Course. In 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. 26-979).
- Walsh, J. N., O’Brien, M. P., & Costin, Y. (2021). Investigating student engagement with intentional content: An exploratory study of instructional videos. The International Journal of Management Education, 19(2), 100505.
In August 2023 CDLI synthesize five research articles that address the following three topics related to AI and K12 education:
- Early Childhood AI competencies (Su, Ng and Chu, 2023)
- Teacher acceptance and attitudes towards AI (Darayseh, 2023; Yau, et al. 2023)
- Teacher’s AI competencies (Ng, et al. 2023; Celik, 2023)